Saturday 24 January 2015

4 Healthy Breakfasts to Start Your Day - WARNING: Not ideal if you're in a rush!

Hello guys,

I want to incorporate more foodie posts into my blog and I thought I would start off by saying .. how much I absolutely love breakfast. Seriously. Breakfast is amazing. I don't understand people that don't eat breakfast.

They say 'I don't have time'.

They say 'I'm not hungry in the mornings.'

(How can you not be hungry after an eight hour sleep?!)

People make a lot of excuses but the truth is, breakfast is fundamental for a healthy and happy lifestyle. It kick-starts your day and gives you enough energy to get your brain and your body working for whatever tasks you need to do within those precious 24 hours. There are so many delicious combinations of things to eat at breakfast time, and I'm here to share a few of my faves...

1. Carrot Cake Inspired Porridge

- 1 cup of rolled oats
- Half a cup of semi-skimmed milk
- Half a cup of water
- 2 medium sized carrots
- 1 teaspoon of cinnamon
- 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract
- 2 tablespoons of brown sugar
- Handful of walnuts

This porridge may look slightly questionable but it was very tasty! I grated the carrots so that they wouldn't be too lumpy in the porridge and then added all the ingredients to the pan. This is a great was of incorporating veggies into your diet if you aren't a huge veggie fan! It did take the longest to assemble but it's worth it if you want to try something quite different for breakfast. I was craving an experiment so looked on Pinterest and found some great inspo. Make sure - if you're doing this recipe - to add quite a lot of spices or sugar to take away the taste of the carrots!

2. Porridge topped with Banana, Blueberries and Raisins

- 1 cup of rolled oats
- 1 cup of semi-skimmed milk
- Squeeze of honey
- 1 banana
- Handful of blueberries
- Handful of raisins

This is an example of porridge I have quite often as it is literally simple porridge topped with fruit. Honey is one of my absolute favourite food items as it is a natural sweetener so I don't feel too guilty eating it on a regular basis! Banana, blueberries and raisins are a really great combination. If the banana is too stodgy, stick to just the blueberries and raisins. I know I can eat mountains of porridge but other people find it very filling! A good thing really...

3. Apricot and Peach Porridge

- 1 cup of rolled oats
- 1 cup of semi-skimmed milk
- Helping of apricot jam
- Tinned peaches

This is something I came up with very recently. In fact, this was the first time I tried it - but it was delish! A different spin on normal fruity porridge. Obviously the apricot and peach flavours work together very well indeed. 

4. Yoghurt, Granola and Fruit Bowl

- Quite a lot of coconut yoghurt mixed with natural yoghurt
- Plain granola
- Squeeze of honey
- Half an apple
- 1 tangerine
- 1 banana
- Handful of blueberries

Oh my. This is what happened when I ran out of porridge. Sometimes you need to lose something .. in order to discover something new. Gosh, you can see what philosophical effect breakfast has had on me .. anyway, this works great with natural yoghurt but I decided to go with coconut for a hint of flavour (fruit yoghurt might be a bit too strong considering there's so much going on on top.) I added lots of different fruit for some variety and then a bit of honey as a condiment. 

I also had two boiled eggs as I was super hungry and wanted a bit of protein. They say that you should eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a beggar. Pretty good philosophy in my opinion!

Thanks for reading! Make sure you eat your breakfast...

Rhi x

Monday 19 January 2015

OOTD: Brunch Date

Jumper: Vintage
Bottoms: American Apparel
Coat: H&M
Scarf: Forever 21
Ring: Primark
Earrings: Superdrug
Boots: Timberland

Hey all,

There's nothing better than a cosy jumper and some good food to make you feel great. I love the baby blue colour of this particular jumper and its slight turtleneck (I dunno, does that count as a turtleneck?) Blue and black are probably my two favourite colours so this was the perfect outfit for me.

Check out the app 'Depop' for some really great deals on clothes, shoes and accessories. It's where I found my Timberland boots for £70!

Hope everyone has a great day <3

Rhi x

Sunday 11 January 2015

OOTD: Hello 2015

Jacket: H&M
Tee: Primark (Men's)
Trousers: New Look
Bag: River Island
Necklace: Vintage
Rings: Primark and H&M

Happy New Year!

Honestly, where does the time go? It seemed like only yesterday I was parading round in a red and orange puffy floral skirt, black tights and plimsolls *shudders*

Despite my style having changed (thankfully) I feel like this new year I don't particularly want to change .. myself. Resolutions are all well and good but there's no time like the present if you want to adjust your life or character. I'm working to be a more grateful and less materialistic person, but I'm pretty happy with myself as it stands :)

I feel like this is a nice, casual way to wear a fur jacket. A white tee, trainers and printed trousers are always a winning situation, complete with loose locks. It's still pretty damn cold here in England so I wasn't being too brave. 

I really liked my make-up today as well. I've jumped on the Kylie Jenner bandwagon and purchased Twig lipstick from MAC to get those pouty but gorgeous delicate pink lips that everyone's talking about. 

Rhi x