Friday 16 August 2013

Fashion Exposed - Charity Event

Hello all,

On the 14th of August I had the pleasure of attending a fantastic event called Fashion Exposed, which is an annual charity fashion show held at one of my local arts centres called Rich Mix, in Bethnal Green. The show aimed to bring together different art forms for young people to express their creativity whilst at the same time helping to raise money for ACLT (Afro-Caribbean Leukaemia Trust). There wasn't just fashion but spoken word, dancing and singing as well!

^^ Tasty cupcakes from the Drew's Cupcakes stand! Red Velvet was particularly scrumptious...

^^ I loved this designer's kimono! Absolutely gorgeous.

^^ A great performance from Shanteh Fuller!


- NeRD Central

- Check My Flow
- Kiwi and Yam
(website launching soon)

- La'Cint Designs
(not sure if there is a website but on Instagram it's simply 'lacintdesigns'
- Ashley Lloyd
(not sure if there is a website but his blog is
- Insomnia Fashion
- Victoria Geaney
- E Enis Creations

All in all, it was a great night! The hosts, Uncle D and Pure Yinkz, kept everyone entertained and did a good job interviewing the designers and the performers. The models managed to have a fun time as well as maintaining a professional air. It was also very eye-opening to learn more about the facts of blood, organ and bone-marrow donation within the Afro-Caribbean community and how important it is to encourage more people to get involved. I may not be eligible to get involved with ACLT, but I was very much inspired to put myself forward in the future for blood and organ donations (organ donations when I'm dead, of course, which shouldn't be for a few years yet!)

Thanks for reading, as always!

Rhi x

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