Monday 3 November 2014

The Tag for Makeup Addicts

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1. Which product do you keep buying more of despite having plenty in your collection?

Lip products, for sure! The thing I love about lip products - mainly lipsticks, in fact - is the way they can transform an entire look. I will literally try any colour and shade of lipstick without hesitation because I have the most fun playing around with them. For me, eyeshadow is something that I have to spend a lot of time on, whereas with a lipstick you just throw it on and BAM! 

2. What's the one product you can't live without?

This was an extremely difficult question to answer! In general terms, I would say mascara, but I think the question requires a specific answer .. in which case I'll have to go for my Collection Lasting Perfection Concealer. The reason I chose this is because I just realised that I have been buying this product for years and years - pretty much since I started using make-up. This concealer gets a lot of praise because it works very well and it isn't high-end, so the price is completely affordable for all make-up junkies! It also seems to last me a very long time. In general, I really love it, and I believe that having a flawless and great base for make-up (your skin) is the best part about your make-up. If your skin is nice, everything else will pretty much look nice. 

3. Favourite makeup brand?

Ok, this question is impossible to answer, so I'll narrow it down to my top 3 make-up brands, haha!
- NYX (the lipsticks and eye jumbo pencils are definitely my faves from this brand!)
- Collection (formerly Collection 2000) 
- MAC (can never go wrong with them!)

4. How big is your makeup collection?

I've never had a ridiculously huge make-up collection but most of my friends would tell me that I have far more products than I actually need, heheh xD
Recently I had a big clearout and threw lots of old stuff away, so I'm very happy with the amount that I have. I try these days not to buy products that I won't use. Also, considering I am not a make-up artist, all the make-up that I use is for myself. I often do make-up for friends and family however, so I make sure to keep things like a really big eyeshadow palette with loads of colours in my collection.

5. And how do you store it?

At home I have storage drawers divided up into different sections, but here at uni I simply have a very large make-up bag with everything stuffed inside, haha. 

6. How many items of makeup have you got in your handbag at the moment?

I switch my bags around pretty much everyday, but currently in my bag for uni I have .. a lipbalm, a lip crayon and another lipbalm, which is tinted. As you can see, rather unnecessary, haha! I just love lip products, gahh

7. If you could raid another blogger's stash, who would it be?

I don't think she has a blog, but she's got a YouTube channel - Shaaanxo
OH. MY. GOSH. Her make-up collection video is absolutely insane. I almost hyperventilated when I saw the amount of lipstick she has! Check out the video here, but be prepared for some serious green-eyed monster!

8. How long does your usual makeup routine take and how many products do you use?

Ok, I've been wearing make-up for what seems like ages and yet I STILL take so long to get ready, haha xD
If I'm doing make-up for a special occasion etc. it will take me longer, but I can usually get my everyday make-up done in about 20 mins .. ok, 20 to 30 minutes, haha. I'm a bit of a perfectionist, what can I say?
On a daily basis I will usually wear concealer, powder, mascara, eyeliner, a lip product and more than often I will use a highlighter and / or a contouring powder. For some reason I have been leaving my eyebrows completely au natural recently, I think just because I would take SO long doing them in the morning. 

9. Have you ever bought makeup knowing you wouldn't use it?

Yes .. I always convince myself whilst shopping that I will 'probably use this beautiful rainbow eyeshadow with ingredients taken from the scales of a mermaid for a special occasion or something' but .. no.

Tag a few other makeup addicts to do this tag!

1. Farzana from

Anyone else who reads this can do the tag as well :)

By the way, I was tagged by the lovely Tamanna from TamannaMUA. Please check out her blog!
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Some of the products / brands I mentioned:

Rhi x


  1. Loved reading this Rhi! I actually forgot about my love for the Collection Lasting Perfection concealer!

  2. Thanks! Yeahh, it's pretty awesome!
